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Wedding photographer, nap enthusiast, and lover of all things romance and weddings.


As humans, we often have a reason for what we do. If it’s a hobby or interest we enjoy, we have our reasons. Maybe we like it, or maybe it brings us joy. Perhaps it’s because it came to us easily. Nevertheless, we have our reasons. 

With everything we do, there’s a ‘why’ that goes with it. Nothing is done without reason. Even the little things have a reason, a why. This reason, this why, is what drives us. Your why motivates you when times get tough. It keeps you grounded when the wind has carried you away. It pulls you back up when the waters get choppy. 

I have my reasons for what I do, and photography is part of that. My passion and drive for photography isn’t constantly ebbing and flowing simply because “I like to take pretty pictures.” Oh no, it is so much deeper than, it really is.

I’m a photographer for many reasons. There isn’t just one reason or why that I have that makes me a photographer. It’s a culmination of things that make me a photographer.

I’m a photographer because I believe in the value of art. I love to create, and this is where my talents lie. I’m not gifted with my hands like other members of my family. I can’t draw, paint or tattoo. But that’s okay. I use my hands in other ways. It simply involves pressing buttons. 

I’m a photographer because I believe in the power of memories. Personally, my memory is shot, and there are many occasions I have photos from that I may not remember if I didn’t have the photos to look back on.Looking back on these images helps me remember. 

I’m a photographer because I see the beauty in a moment forever frozen in time. Pictures never change, even if the people in the images do. I’ve gazed at family member’s faces in pictures because I never had the pleasure of knowing and loving them. They’re gone, and the photos are all I have left to know them by.

Finally, I’m a photographer because it is what empowers me. I feel comfortable behind the lens, camera in hand. My feelings of anxiety and helplessness fade whenever I’m taking photos. I can never focus, but my camera does, and suddenly I’m met with a sense of tunnel vision I’ve never encountered before. 

Like I said, I have my reasons for what I do. I’m sure you do too. If you have a why, that’s great. If you don’t, I encourage you to find one. We all need one.


My Why

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

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Resources to guide you as you plan for your engagement session, wedding, or photography business.

remember to take these


Gracie Cloud Photography is a female owned Limited Liability Company 

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